[...]And so finally we reach the scale of intimacy, of skin, of shared heartbeats and feelings, the scale that goes from families and lovers to people together on a street corner, in a sauna, a living room or a cafe. It would seem that intimacy is irretrievably weighted down in our time, burdened with data and surveillance and seduction, crushed with the determining influence of all the other scales.[...]
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στα αγγλικά
με μια γρηγορη μετάφραση στο μπορει κάποιος να βγάλει μια ακρη...
[...]And so finally we reach the scale of intimacy, of skin, of shared heartbeats and feelings, the scale that goes from families and lovers to people together on a street corner, in a sauna, a living room or a cafe. It would seem that intimacy is irretrievably weighted down in our time, burdened with data and surveillance and seduction, crushed with the determining influence of all the other scales.[...]
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στα αγγλικά
με μια γρηγορη μετάφραση στο μπορει κάποιος να βγάλει μια ακρη...
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